100+ Best History Dissertation Topics with Examples

History is a tricky subject that students love and hate at the same time. Those who are fascinated by it most choose it as their major. But before anyone can graduate and receive their diploma, they have to write a dissertation.

Choosing among history dissertation topics is incredibly difficult because there is a huge variety of interesting areas that can be studied there. More than that, in the majority of cases, they are very complicated, which makes students feel discouraged.

Dissertation is an essential, fairly long piece of academic writing that serves as an evidence of everything a student has learnt in university. For history students, it’s a great chance to show how their mind works, how effectively they can find, use, and analyse information. All these qualities are essential in historians, so writing a high-quality history dissertation paves a way for a student’s successful professional future.

Structuring Dissertations: Rules & Tips

Before starting your dissertation, it’s important to learn what sections it should entail and what they should be about. History dissertation structure doesn’t really differ from those written on other subjects, so you won’t have to spend a long time on trying to find all rules. Let’s regard main sections that must be present.

  • Introduction. In this part, you have to present the background your topic has and the reason why you chose to explore it in particular. Don’t use first person pronouns unless it’s a reflection section, just use more general terms. History dissertation introduction must have thesis or hypothesis as well as research questions, all revolving around your chosen sphere.
  • Literature Review. Here, you should provide an overview along with synthesis of all relevant primary as well as secondary sources you have gathered during your research. This section is one of the most crucial ones and its quality partly depends on your theme, so be extra careful and thoughtful when sorting through history dissertation topics. It shouldn’t just be a summary, though. You have to show your understanding of the concepts discussed, then synthesise information from groups of sources. Unite them based on differences or similarities, compare or contrast them briefly, and answer “so what” question.
  • Methodology. This is a simple yet tricky part because it requires you to explain just how your research was done. Some students prefer to order their dissertation methodology from EduBirdie because the process of describing all your steps and formats can be rather tedious. You have to be rational, objective, and truthful here.
  • Results. Present everything you have found in your research, clearly showing which hypotheses were proven and which were refuted.
  • Discussion. Discuss your findings. Reveal what implications they have for history as a field, how they can help in future studies, and what else needs to be done to improve the results.
  • Conclusion. List the main points that your history dissertation has here. Emphasise the relevance your findings and limitations possess once again.
  • Bibliography. Cite every source you have used in your work.

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History Dissertation Topics Sample

When undergraduate students are looking for history dissertation ideas, they often start panicking because while this field is extremely wide, locating the one topic that would stir personal interest is complicated. To assist you in this process, we’ve selected seven most relevant categories of history dissertations and provided their brief overview as well as a list of topics that could be explored under them. Look through them and feel free to use any of them you might like!

Historical People & Events History Dissertation Topics

This category is universal and exciting because it can feature literally any period that interests you. Think of historical figures that had some impact on the world or pick a specific event. The following topics fall under this group:

  • Hitler: birth and education as contributors to his war views as well as the effects
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on the British Economy
  • Explicit/implicit Reformation goals
  • The Role of Women in the American Revolution
  • Why did it take so long for Berlin Wall to fall?
  • The Significance of the Magna Carta in British History
  • Reasons that have led to all American Revolution stages
  • The Causes and Consequences of the Spanish-American War
  • Queen Victoria’s politics and the way they have changed Great Britain
  • The Legacy of Ancient Greece on Modern Western Civilization
  • Stalin: many-layered journey to ultimate power
  • The Impact of the Haitian Revolution on Caribbean Society
  • Sebastien Michaelis: emergence & role in French inquisition
  • The Political and Social Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Battle of Waterloo: background & implications
  • The Significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis in the Cold War
  • The most influential politician in modern history
  • The Role of the Roman Empire in Shaping Western Civilization
  • Slave Trade Act along with its historical repercussions for all Great Britain citizens
  • The Impact of the Opium Wars on China’s Modern History
  • Boris Johnson's personality: the reformation or stagnation?
  • The Legacy of Jim Crow Laws on Civil Rights in the United States
  • The Impact of Marie Antoinette on the French Revolution
  • How did the Ottoman Empire Expand its Reach?

The First World War History Dissertation Topics

The events that happened during First World War remain relevant even now because barely a century has passed since them while the destruction they caused was extreme. There are many aspects that can be studied under this large theme.

  • Causes that First World War had: an overview of all sides’ reasoning
  • Exploring the Impact of Technology on the Outcome of the First World War
  • USSR’s role in WW I
  • Analyzing the Role of Artillery and Trench Warfare During the First World War
  • Consequences that First World War had for all parties involved in it
  • Investigating the Impact of the First World War on Gender Roles
  • Three most meaningful decisions that affected the conclusion of First World War
  • Examining the Role of Propaganda During the First World War
  • British soldiers in WW I: conditions, motivations, as well as battles
  • Exploring the Role of Women in the First World War
  • Fairness of repercussions for Germany after First World War
  • Investigating the Leadership of the Central Powers During WWI
  • Evaluation of most impactful unions concluded during WW I
  • Assessing the Impact of WWI on Colonialism
  • Hitler in First World War: Bavarian Army
  • Analyzing the Use of Chemical Weapons During WWI
  • Germany defeat in WW1 as a source for its further aggression
  • Ways in which WW1 could have been avoided
  • How have the moral views of Great Britain changed after WW I?
  • Modern bias in the perception of WWI by the media networks
  • The role of the nurses in the First First War: Nightingale's Heritage

“The Great Depression” History Dissertation Topics

This economic crisis has affected the entire world and its consequences have forever shaped conditions that many countries continue living in now. It has numerous nuances that can be explored in a dissertation.

  • Great Migration vs. Great Depression: links, factors, as well as consequences
  • The role of newspapers and word-of-mouth during the Great Depression
  • Ways in which Great Depression could have been overcome sooner
  • The Impact of the Great Depression on Gender Relations in the United States
  • Black Tuesday meaning & implications
  • The Role of the Federal Reserve in the Great Depression
  • College & University students during Great Depression
  • The Impact of the Great Depression on the Global Economy
  • Bank insurance along with problems associated with it during Great Depression
  • The Role of the Media in Shaping the Narrative of the Great Depression
  • Historical precedents for another Great Depression happening under modern conditions
  • The Great Depression and Its Impact on Art and Literature
  • Parties that gained wealth during Great Depression
  • The Role of Labor Unions during the Great Depression
  • New Deal and its impacts on events leading to Great Depression
  • The New Deal: A Success or Failure?
  • Positive consequences that Great Depression had
  • Comparing the Great Depression to Modern Economic Crises
  • Countries that benefited as well as lost most due to Great Depression
  • Exploring the Role of Women during the Great Depression
  • The Great Depression vs the United States
  • The Impact of the Great Depression on Working-Class Families in America
  • How has the literature changed during "The Great Depression"?
  • The Influence of the Great Depression on the Development of International Relations
  • How would the Great Depression be approached by the people?
  • The Role of Government Policy in Mitigating the Effects of the Great Depression

Second World War History Dissertation Topics

Second World War remains a painful and tragic reminder of a staggering amount of lives lost. Its relevance won’t fade any time soon because it happened relatively recently and there are still people who participated in it.

  • What would have happened in the world if Germany had won the Second World War?
  • Impact of the Second World War on Europe’s Economic and Political Landscape
  • An attitude of the elderly to Germans: a historical point
  • Battle of the Atlantic: An Analysis of Allied Naval Strategy
  • Strengths Hitler’s army possessed that secured the majority of its victories
  • Impact of Decolonization on the End of the Second World War
  • Country that suffered most as WW II results
  • Impact of the Second World War on the French Economy
  • Repercussions that Second WW had for Germany & Japan: similarities & differences
  • Role of the United States in the Second World War
  • Fife events that ensured Allies’ victory over Germany
  • Impact of Nazi Propaganda on Public Opinion During the Second World War
  • Reasons explaining overemphasis placed on American bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
  • German War Strategies in the WW2
  • Black people during Second World War
  • Japanese War Effort in the WW II
  • Nazi experiments’ consequence for prisoners for modern German medicine
  • Soviet Union’s Role in the Second World War
  • US reasoning for accepting escaped Nazi criminals
  • Role of Technology in the Second World War
  • The role played by the communication methods and the special units
  • Allied Strategy in the Second World War
  • How has reading helped to preserve sanity during the Second World War?
  • Long-Term Consequences of the Second World War
  • The racial remarks issued by Nazi Germany
  • Impact of the Battle of Stalingrad on the Outcome of the Second World War
  • Holocaust: Causes, Consequences, and Legacies
  • Role of the United States in Winning the WW2
  • Japanese Internment Camps in the United States During the Second World War
  • Development and Use of Nuclear Weapons in the Second World War
  • Rise of Fascism and its Impact on the WW II
  • Role of Women in the Second World War

Napoleon III History Dissertation Topics

Napoleon is a central person in history who continues to be wildly discussed. His uniqueness as a leader can provide an excellent ground for detailed research.

  • Napoleon’s coming into power: a combination of varied factors
  • How the Political Ideologies of Napoleon 3 Shaped the French Second Empire
  • Historical repercussions of Napoleon’s leadership style
  • Examining the Influence of Napoleon III's Rule on the Industrialization of France
  • Military strategies that allowed Napoleon to win crucial battles
  • Impact of Napoleon 3 on French Society and Politics
  • Background of Napoleon as a great military leader
  • Napoleon III and the Formation of a Second French Empire
  • Napoleon’s involvement in Russian campaign: reasoning as well as implications
  • Napoleon III and the Restoration of the French Monarchy
  • Napoleon vs. Hitler: motivations, plans & consequences
  • An Analysis of Napoleon III's Economic and Political Reforms
  • Napoleonic era: its background along with its links to French future
  • Napoleon III and the Revolt of 1848
  • Ways in which Napoleon could have won against Russians
  • Role of Napoleon III in the Franco-Prussian War
  • Most relevant battle in Napoleon’s life
  • Napoleon III and the Rise of the Nationalist Movement in France
  • Legacy that Napoleon has had together with its modern displays
  • Relationship Between Napoleon III and Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Striving for peace: has Napoleon tried to stop the massacre?
  • Napoleon III and the Expansion of French Imperialism
  • Narcissism and Napoleon: what modern personalities remind us of Napoleon?
  • Napoleon III and the Decline of the Second French Empire
  • An Analysis of Napoleon III's Role in the Unification of Italy
  • Impact of Napoleon III's Expansionism on French Foreign Policy
  • Assessing Napoleon III's Response to the Crimean War
  • Significance of Napoleon III's Reforms on the Development of the French Third Republic

Mussolini’s Italy History Dissertation Topics

Mussolini is another famous leader who affected lives of numerous people and countries. His politics are still studied due to close ties they had with WW2.

  • Mussolini & Hitler: connection along with its consequences for Italy
  • Fascism development in Italy under Mussolini’s regimen
  • Mussolini’s decision for rising to power in Italy
  • Groups of people who suffered most under Mussolini’s dictatorship
  • Mussolini as most influential Italian leader
  • Two main features characterizing Mussolini’s coming into power
  • Politics Mussolini implemented when controlling Italy
  • Fall of Mussolini & his regimen in Italy
  • Hitler’s influence on Mussolini’s viewpoints
  • Positive and negative development Italy witnessed under Mussolini
  • negotiations with Mussolini: facts and the myths
  • What challenges in society have led people to change in their views as they accepted Mussolini's beliefs?
  • Mussolini was the foundation of Italy's criminal circles: right or wrong.
  • Impact of Mussolini's Foreign Policy on the Development of Italy
  • Impact of Nationalism on the Development of Fascist Ideology in Italy
  • Role of Propaganda in the Promotion of Mussolini and Fascist Ideology
  • Mussolini's Role in the Development of Italian Fascism
  • Impact of Mussolini's Militaristic Policies on the Italian People
  • Role of the Catholic Church in the Fascist Movement in Italy
  • Mussolini’s Impact on the Italian Economy During the 1920s
  • Social Impact of the Fascist Regime in Italy
  • Role of Propaganda in Consolidating Mussolini’s Power
  • Assessing the Impact of the Italian Invasion of Ethiopia
  • Legacy of Fascism in Italy After Mussolini’s Death
  • Impact of Mussolini’s Policies on Italian Women
  • Mussolini’s Relationship With the Catholic Church
  • How the Italian People Viewed Mussolini and His Regime
  • Influence of Mussolini’s Rule on the Italian Education System
  • Analyzing the Role of Propaganda in Fascism: Case of Mussolini's Italy
  • Mussolini's Educational Reforms and their Impact on Italian Society
  • Foreign Policy of Mussolini's Italy: An Analysis
  • Impact of the Italian Social Republic on Italian Society during World War II
  • Italy's Economic Policies under Mussolini: A Historical Analysis
  • Religion and Politics in Mussolini's Italy
  • How Fascism Shaped Italian Culture: A Historical Look at Mussolini's Italy
  • Economic and Social Change in Italy during the Fascist Era

Nazi Germany History Dissertation Topics

Even now, Nazis’ achievements and horrors continue to benefit as well as plague the world. Understanding them can assist in preserving their good sides and eliminating bad ones.

  • Could have Nazi Germany existed longer?
  • Nature and Impact of Nazi Propaganda in Schools
  • Reasons for the destruction of Nazi Germany
  • Impact of Nazi Ideology on German Society
  • Role of Religion in Nazi Germany
  • Consequences of Nazi Germany politics on entire world
  • An Examination of Nazi Germany’s Use of Forced Labour
  • Achievements vs. failures of Nazi Germany that determined war results
  • How did Nazi Germany use propaganda to shape public opinion?
  • Life in Nazi Germany for ordinary citizens
  • Role of the SS in the Nazi State
  • Did the majority of Germans support Nazi Germany regimen?
  • An Analysis of Nazi Treatment of Military Prisoners of War
  • Life in post- Nazi Germany
  • Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany: An Analysis of Factors Leading to the Nazi Regime
  • Reaction Nazi Germany citizens expressed towards Hitler’s death as their leader
  • How did the Holocaust impact survivors and their families?
  • Violent politics escalation in Nazi Germany
  • Women under Nazi rule: An examination of the Nazi party’s role in gender inequality
  • How could have Nazi Germany survived indefinitely?
  • Nazi Germany’s Influence on Modern Fascism
  • Role of Education in Nazi Germany
  • Nazi Germany in literary works and memoirs by the authors
  • Impact of Nazi Occupation on Eastern Europe
  • What mechanisms have allowed followers of the Nazi regimen to escape to Latin America?
  • Development and Impact of Nazi Anti-Semitic Legislation
  • Role of Women in Nazi Germany
  • What historical aspects have made the coming of Nazism possible?
  • An Analysis of the Nazi Concentration Camp System
  • Impact of Nazi Propaganda on Public Opinion During the Third Reich
  • Role of the Gestapo in Implementing Nazi Policies in Germany

Three Examples of Possible History Dissertations

To understand how to write a history dissertation, it’s important to see some samples. We’ve picked three random topics and provided overview of their essential points. Check these history dissertation examples for enhanced understanding.

Topic 1: Homosexual people in Second World War and afterwards

LGBT community has existed in more or less equal quantities at all times, including periods where their existence was regarded as a crime. Second World War was one of such periods, even though homosexual people participated in it, sacrificing their lives along with health for the well-being of their countries, they were still persecuted harshly. This dissertation analyses how they were treated by both Soviet and Nazi forces during as well as after the war.

Suggested reading:

MacPike, Loralee. “Coming out under Fire: The History of Gay Men & Women in World War Two by Allan Berube; Odd Girls & Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America by Lillian Faderman.” Oral History Review, vol. 21, no. 1, 1993, pp. 133-137.


Topic 2: Life of famous Nazi representatives who managed to escape after Soviet victory

After Nazi Germany was defeated, many people were tried as well as executed for their atrocities. However, some have managed to escape. Josef Mengele is one of such people who left the country and built quite a successful life for himself, even finding sponsorship for further medical practice. This dissertation will explore how he achieved this and who might have helped in his escape.

Suggested reading material:

Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Josef Mengele. German Physician." Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2019, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Josef-Mengele.

Topic 3: Changing attitudes of people towards Nazi occupation of their territories

People living on territories occupied by Germany reacted differently to this change in power. In fact, while some resisted violently, chose death over submission, others reacted positively, cheering for Nazis in the hope that their lives would improve. This dissertation will focus on how these attitudes differed among various populations and how they transformed with time.

Suggested initial reading:

Bellezza, Simone A. "The Discourse over the Nationality Question in Nazi-Occupied Ukraine: The Generalbezirk Dnjepropetrowsk, 1941-3." Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 43, no. 4, 2008, pp. 573-596.

EduBirdie as Your Best Helper in Combating Dissertations

It’s great to know how to choose the best dissertation topics, but sadly, it doesn’t always guarantee a good outcome when you write a history dissertation. Many students face difficulties when writing, especially in historical field. That’s why many of them start wondering, “Who could do my dissertation ?” EduBirdie is an answer you need.

We have a team of excellent writers who have impressive practice in dissertation writing and who will meet every requirement you might have. Contact our support representatives now to discuss all details. We guarantee that everything will be done to perfection and you’ll be proud of your dissertation for many years to come!

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