120+ Unique Dissertation Topics with a Writing Guide

What makes dissertation paper different from usual essay writing is not only the length, but freedom to choose and research a particular theme. Unlike essay, you are not told about what should be done, but left to conduct substantial research at greater length. Coming from the Latin word “dissertare,” which literally means “to have a debate,” dissertation requires deep analysis of diverse points that relate to chosen subject. Choice of dissertation topics is extremely important for final paper because one has to show expert knowledge of subject. In the guide below, we shall explain how to choose a dissertation topic by providing short writing guide together with 120 ideas that are divided by subject.

How to Choose a Dissertation Topic Guide

Not knowing how to come up with a dissertation topic often brings students to writer’s block. As it’s known, good topic is already half of the task done because you have to show your skills and walk an extra mile to make an additional research. Always take enough time to look through ideas as you decide. Before we proceed with the dissertation topic list, there are few important things to consider that will help you to make a right choice.

Choose what is inspiring and interesting for you!

As it takes weeks or even months to complete, you have to be inspired by your initial ideas. It should be something that moves you, makes research more. If you are enrolled in Sociology course, have an interest in Cultural Evolution in the Great Britain, so choose a topic that combines several disciplines like Political Science, Culture, and Education. Treat it as future career choice, an area where you have something valuable to say!

Don't Write All Over The Place. Write From Impulse!

When you pick a topic for your dissertation, you must focus on an idea that focuses precisely on a matter. For that purpose, you can attend specified conferences and learn from examples. For instance, a bad practice is writing sentences briefly describing the issue. On the other hand, writing in a way that is too broadly telling the research subject is an equally bad idea. While selecting the concept for your topic, you must keep in mind the dissertation's overall construction and how it reads.

Dissertation topic has to be unique or have a different research approach!

Try to choose theme that is unique or has an unusual view on a certain issue. It is a possibility to make your own research as well as contribution, have own voice. In case you want to choose a classic subject or a something concerning present issues, try to have a different research approach. Explore theme from a different angle with strong evidence and innovation.

Check Ideas That Have Enough Research In The Field!

When you pick up your ideas, please ensure that enough research is done in the field. After all, you will write about a matter most likely of scientific value. Furthermore, such a dissertation will only be possible if there are materials to work with. That is why doing the beforehand research is crucial. Once you are sure there is enough information, you can quickly form a topic and a thesis and proceed with structuring your text.

Follow a clear structure of your dissertation!

The most challenging part is staying within structure and formatting rules. You have to find balance between narrowing down topic ideas or being too vague. The best approach is to introduce an idea, continue by telling why it is important, provide facts and academic sources, and conclude by making a resume of aforementioned information. This is exactly where you have to provide your own voice. Remember that it is important to include arguments and remain clear as to your author’s position.

Create A Mind Map To Select The Best Idea For Your Paper!

That is an old and foolproof method used in many universities. The mind map relates to a technique that has your topic on focus. Then, around your subject, you start to bring up various ideas. These ideas should be able to connect to your main issue, and with that connections, you can quickly form your overall concept. Then, having that concept, you can easily get the best ideas about your dissertation and start working on them.

Staying impartial and objective as you research!

As you make a research and work on your paper, choose a topic that will allow you to be objective and impartial. It is especially important when you work with Political Science, Religion, and sensitive Healthcare subjects. Do not risk ethical side, try to find weak sides of topic, write about positive or negative sides presenting diverse views.

Ask Someone With Experience For An Opinion!

Most often, asking someone with experience for their opinion about your idea is a great advantage. We are not specialists in the field when we are writing something. We do not know everything, even with the practical experience we may or may not have. That is why, when working on a dissertation, we have ideas in mind related to our topic. Therefore, asking our mentor, professor, relative, or anyone specialized in the field we will write about is a great idea. Likely, they know more about us, and their insights will often give us more concepts faster than we can research. But be sure to provide a proofread copy of your dissertation, otherwise it may influence its perception. You can always ask our dissertation proofreading services for assistance.

Take your time to choose a dissertation topic wisely!

There should be no hurry or pressure as you choose a good dissertation topic. If you feel that theme is weak, start by looking into academic sources, evidence to support your facts or arguments. Choose several to see if topic fits your aspirations and goals. If you have a childhood passion for Eastern Architecture, but your course is Psychology, find inspiration by researching cultural traditions. As an example, perception of the Mosques architecture through self-evaluation lens of the Muslim population .

Read Also: What Does Dissertation Structure Entail?

What Makes a Good Dissertation Topic?

Here is a list of important factors that make dissertation topic unique:

  • Dissertation topic has to be clear as well as engaging to audience.
  • Relates to relevant issue or can be supported by recent research.
  • Provides several viewpoints.
  • Has clear, comprehensive paper design.
  • Asks questions and provides arguments.
  • Has a strong thesis.
  • Language is clear with appropriate terminology.

Dissertation Topics List

Below you can find 120 dissertation topics divided by subject. Take your time to explore dissertation ideas that fit your subject. Let your brain be thoughts generator that motivate and inspire you to do your best!


  • 1. Inmates’ protection: what is needed to ensure it?
  • 2. Censorship on journalism: history & Consequences
  • 3. Language usage in court dealings: should it be adapted for non-professionals?
  • 4. Age of consent basis justification
  • 5. Childhood protection laws
  • 6. Laws regulating music and film distribution: required changes
  • 7. Employment discrimination consequences
  • 8. Law-related adaptations that are based on time peculiarities
  • 9. Should fiction creators follow any official regulations?
  • 10. How are Covid-19 restrictions regulated?
  • 11. How safe are minors in schools?
  • 12. Legal protection of domestic abuse victims by the social services.
  • 13. What methods could be useful to protect the landlords?
  • 14. The importance of the Royal Family in political legislation?
  • 15. What are the intellectual property laws during post-Brexit conditions?

Law and Criminal Justice

  • 1. Theories analysis in relation to passage of risk.
  • 2. Education impact on juvenile justice cases.
  • 3. Force Majeure implementation in economic turbulence times.
  • 4. Transnational Organised Crimes vs Social Networks.
  • 5. Modern credit fraud cases: corporate study
  • 6., US, and China as reflections of economic takeovers.
  • 7. Offshore laws impact the IT sector in Singapore.
  • 8. Differences between competition and intellectual property laws.
  • 9. Is there good faith in construction contracts?
  • 10. Modern strategies that can prevent antisocial behavior.
  • 11. How does criminal law address the issue of non-existent or fake victims?
  • 12. The aspects of criminal liability in Northern Ireland.
  • 13. The comparison of the English Law and the American models of corporate crime.
  • 14. The privacy of law on Confessions.
  • 15. The confidential side of forensic evidence collection.
  • 16. The breach of criminal jurisdiction online research measures.
  • 17. The benefits of the Criminal Cases Review Commission law.
  • 18. Gender bias among male judges
  • 19. How has criminal law changed since the Brexit deal's implementation?
  • 20. The consequences of intellectual property fraud in 2024.

Family law dissertation topics

  • 1. Child labor issues
  • 2. Child abuse victims of domestic violence.
  • 3. Psychological rehabilitation of divorced families and legal aspects of relocation.
  • 4. The aspects of Family Law in comparison with non-UK practices.
  • 5. Adoption by single parents: cons and pros.
  • 6. Privacy and intervention with an intention to protect the children: a case study.
  • 7. The major factors leading to divorce in families with substance abuse cases.
  • 8. How is the child's mental well-being addressed?
  • 9. Should boarding schools be abolished in 2024?
  • 10. The use of children's television for programming and advertisement purposes: pros and cons.

Medical law dissertation topics

  • 1. Should organ retention practice be reconsidered?
  • 2. The rules of safeguarding terminally ill patients.
  • 3. Abortion Act and the legal rights of the fathers in comparison to the Act of 1967.
  • 4. The ethical side of Stem Cell Research.
  • 5. NHS Dress Code through the lens of medical safety legislative claims.
  • 6. How important is the medical background for the legal advisors in medical cases?
  • 7. Mental disability laws: practical implementation.
  • 8. Cerebral palsy treatment methods and legislation
  • 9. The promotion of vaccination: the legal side of things.
  • 10. Covid-19 restrictions in colleges and universities.

Law dissertation topics human rights

  • 1. The rights of equality and cultural diversity.
  • 2. How well are the Disability Rights implemented in the educational sector?
  • 3. The maternity leave laws.
  • 4. The public right to protest as post-Brexit conflicts and street violence.
  • 5. The limitations and ethical considerations of equality before the law.
  • 6. Domestic violence and international parents: case study analysis.
  • 7. The implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights in the legislative system.
  • 8. The most common workplace ethics violations
  • 9. The definition of human rights by philosophers.
  • 10. The Black Lives Matter social movement's impact on society.

Commercial law dissertation topics

  • 1. The ways to approach competition online and prove legal misconduct.
  • 2. Marketing and advertising disputes: finding the violations.
  • 3. What legal requirements must be followed when starting one’s business?
  • 4. The consumer relations and behavioral patterns.
  • 5. The privacy of marketing campaigns and the data collection in post-Brexit society.
  • 6. Anti-corruption measures in the digital domain.
  • 7. Commercial espionage: myth or reality.

International law dissertation topics

  • 1. How does globalization affect the rights of minorities?
  • 2. How can peace be introduced with the help of non-violent methods: an ethical review.
  • 3. Peace Operations controversies: South Africa and Apartheid.
  • 4. The responsibility for international operations and the following of the analysis of the international law.
  • 5. Understanding the International Human Rights Law: the breaches and omissions.
  • 6. When is the national law no longer in use: digital legal issues review.
  • 7. The privacy of legal data sharing when resolving international cases.
  • 8. The peculiarities of diplomacy in 2024.
  • 9. The Chinese connection: the attitude to China.

Business law dissertation topics

  • 1. The bogus complaints related to the EU’s financial services market.
  • 2. Strategic planning in organizational structure and corporate relations.
  • 3. The impact of innovative technologies and automation on intellectual property rights.
  • 4. Business challenges of communications during social distancing times.
  • 5. European anti-discrimination law and business equality the way.
  • 6. The role of the local authorities when inspecting the ethical side of the businesses.
  • 7. The company laws vs the corporate law: responsibilities and the ways of improvement.

Contract law dissertation topics

  • 1. The negative impact of the European Union on the contract law
  • 2. The Force majeure clause and the concept of irresponsible attitude in legislative practice.
  • 3. How can the idea of Good Faith be introduced in the contract law?
  • 4. English contract law versus French and German legal systems.
  • 5. Predictability and international contracting requirements.
  • 6. How flexible can a contract be according to legislation?
  • 7. Conservative VS innovative approach to following the English Contract Law.
  • 8. English Contract Law: the role of NHS changes in 2024.
  • 9. How have the contracts changed during social restriction times?
  • 10. Gender employment issues: the breach of the contract issues.

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  • 1. Montessori Schools Influence on pre-school system
  • 2. Is special education more available to the higher-class population?
  • 3. Testing standardization in middle schools: benefits and disadvantages
  • 4. Gender-segregated education pros and cons
  • 5. Is private tutoring replacing primary education methods?
  • 6. Should MBA and Business Management degrees include English classes?
  • 7. Should college education be free?
  • 8. E-Courses versus Traditional Education in Universities
  • 9. Distance learning challenges and international students
  • 10. Teachers training vs modern dangers at school
  • 11. Purpose of modern education types
  • 12. Basic education: what does it include?
  • 13. Equality classrooms: a myth or reality?
  • 14. Best age for starting one’s studies
  • 15. Bullying in schools and its effect on student's progress
  • 16. Censorship practices in education
  • 17. Transformations in the extent of teacher’s authority
  • 18. Obligatory educational practices for inmates
  • 19. Effectiveness of private and public studies
  • 20. Sex education implementation
  • 21. The challenges of remote education?
  • 22. Children with disabilities and the use of video conferencing in 2024
  • 23. The mental side of social distancing for the learners
  • 24. How has online learning changed the way students perceive physical education?
  • 25. What are the challenges of religious education for the refugees?
  • 26. The mental recovery programs for substance abuse of college students.


  • 1. How should social architecture be advertised?
  • 2. Political processes influence on XX century architectural designs
  • 3. Religion's role in Victorian times architecture
  • 4. Globalization's role in combining Eastern and Western architecture
  • 5. Composite materials role in countries with cold and warm climates
  • 6. Computer-aided software in architecture and relevant calculation risks
  • 7. Artistic creativity usage in private architecture projects
  • 8. Ethical code in architecture versus profits and advertisement
  • 9. Skyscrapers and land prices in Birmingham
  • 10. Should real estate agents be educated in terms of architecture and construction principles?
  • 11. Modern building design
  • 12. History of old and notable buildings: how were they created?
  • 13. Modern world-renowned architects
  • 14. Current trends in architecture
  • 15. Responsibilities that architects should have
  • 16. Social impact on modern architecture
  • 17. The difference between commercial and civil architecture projects
  • 18. How far can creativity go in architecture projects
  • 19. How can innovative methods of work be applied to a frozen construction project?
  • 20. Evaluation of construction model: a case study
  • 21. Environmental aspect of architectural trends
  • 22. The comparison of the 19th-century village landscape and modern times
  • 23. Did immigrants bring changes to urban architecture?
  • 24. The post-Brexit regulations in architecture in 2024
  • 25. architecture standards in the building of kindergartens
  • 26. The safety methods for soccer stadiums: pros and cons of the current methods.
  • 27. The protection from Earthquakes and airstrikes in modern Britain.
  • 28. The safety of subway stations: London vs Berlin.


  • 1. Father figure formation for children in single-mother families.
  • 2. Reflective practice's role in military rehabilitation of the veterans.
  • 3. Literature review on methods of work with anxiety disorder patients.
  • 4. Modern diets impact on depression and low self-esteem.
  • 5. Anti-bullying methods vs social networks.
  • 6. Smartphone excessive use phenomenon
  • 7. Social stigma role for women's image in media
  • 8. Gender studies vs religion: psychological aspects.
  • 9. Should enterprises employ additional psychologists to reduce workplace stress?
  • 10. Effects of PTSD at the office, how to approach and avoid them.
  • 11. Innovations in the office that can ensure the psychological well-being of the employees.
  • 12. Hyperactivity at the office, how the technology influences the effects.
  • 13. Common communication issues at work.
  • 14. Cognitive behavioral analysis and length of treatment courses.
  • 15. Myth about the negative influence that violent fiction has on people: reasons & origins
  • 16. Differences in child abuse victims’ reactions to external stimuli
  • 17. Study in cheating: reasons along with relationship consequences
  • 18. Dealing with trauma through interacting with dark fiction
  • 19. Fictional preferences as element determining one’s personality: logical fallacies
  • 20. Strict vs. abusive upbringing
  • 21. Power imbalance in relationships: where does it come from?
  • 22. Development stages: new angle
  • 23. Emerging therapies for addressing the death of a loved one
  • 24. Psychology of advertising
  • 25. How should the parents support their children during Rugby games?
  • 26. What are the remote learning methods to help with fatigue?
  • 27. Mask-wearing and self-esteem during the primary school periods?


  • 1. Religion and education link in the Middle East.
  • 2. Educational policies changed after World War II.
  • 3. Marginalized groups in the college admission process.
  • 4. Public Schools Privacy in China.
  • 5. Conflicting theories in the history lessons.
  • 6. Immigrants' role in culture?
  • 7. Social inequality is based on Marx's Capitalism Theory.
  • 8. Social communication online versus older social interaction modes.
  • 9. Increased alcohol consumption and economic turbulence.
  • 10. Sub-cultural marriages: cultural impact.
  • 11. Modern sociological questions
  • 12. Emerging youth cultures
  • 13. Movement of purity culture youth known as ‘antis’: beliefs and fallacies
  • 14. Different family's kinds
  • 15. Gender studies in modern classrooms
  • 16. Professional success sociology
  • 17. Social networks, with their ever-growing impact on people
  • 18. Sport culture & bullying
  • 19. Sociological expectations from next generation
  • 20. The social aspect of vaccination for the people
  • 21. The social bias of vaccinated vs unvaccinated people
  • 22. Psychological pressure regarding the economic situation
  • 23. The pros and cons of teenage children in babysitting.
  • 24. The role of international socialization in Great Britain.

Social work

  • 1. The ways of keeping the children safe in terms of TV and Media
  • 2. Biased attitude in the workplace based on Welsh and Irish background
  • 3. The link between education levels and poverty in the
  • 4. Can the communication strategies apply Scandinavian methods of workplace relations?
  • 5. The Pandemic and the rise of domestic violence
  • 6. The reasons why the children run away from home
  • 7. The social impact of university students’ volunteering
  • 8. The Dry January Month campaign
  • 9. The attitude to violence, shown on television
  • 10. Covid-19 myths: how can social work help address them?
  • 11. The Dry Month: what are the advantages?
  • 12. Scouting and the role of leaders in the development of strong social skills.
  • 13. Covid-19: the challenges of equity in social support.


  • 1. Comparing the concepts of diversity and discrimination in the workplace
  • 2. The outsourcing and the character peculiarities
  • 3. Discrimination and bullying in the educational sector
  • 4. The latest HR trends
  • 5. Creating sustainability in the COVID-19 times
  • 6. Are online marketing platforms beneficial for diversity?
  • 7. Recognition of the single employee contribution: a case study
  • 8. The role of gender politics in 2024
  • 9. Workplace harassment: reporting methods.
  • 10. The importance of hard and soft skills in resume writing for companies.
  • 11. Is it legal to record labor-based interviews?
  • 12. The importance of a safe working environment.
  • 13. How to prevent direct or indirect bullying in the workplace.
  • 14. Salary bonuses and how they affect the productivity of the workforce.
  • 15. Best practices when hiring new cadres.


  • 1. Decision-making in the banking sector
  • 2. Cost-benefit analytical methods
  • 3. How to approach competition in the financial sector
  • 4. Innovations in personal finance interest
  • 5. Building a market structure template in the post-Brexit society
  • 6. The forms of international wealth through the lens of an average citizen
  • 7. The mechanisms behind the Scarcity concept
  • 8. The coal crisis and the changes in economics
  • 9. The wind turbines issue: how safe are we?
  • 10. Have the US sanctions affected the economy?
  • 11. The use of wind turbines and green energy: cons and pros.


  • 1. Financial misconceptions in the banking sector
  • 2. The use of AI tools and automation in the management accounting field
  • 3. The benefits of online or e-accounting solutions
  • 4. The concept of relative funds management
  • 5. The role of bias in the auditing
  • 6. How must the tax accounting laws be updated post Brexit?
  • 7. Dealing with market fluctuations
  • 8. Should the rural areas implement electronic accounting methods?
  • 9. International crimes and the use of accounting records.
  • 10. Private accounting versus public accounting.


  • 1. The global finance map and effect of the COVID-19 financial crisis
  • 2. The benefits of digital banking investments
  • 3. The rules of the corporate strategy management
  • 4. National vs. foreign direct investments and related risks
  • 5. Privatisation laws and limitations
  • 6. Automation software in the financial management sector
  • 7. The effect of cryptocurrency transactions on the economy
  • 8. Who has been affected by the Covid-19 crisis the most?
  • 9. The financial aspect of currency fluctuations in 2024
  • 10. Striving for financial transparency: how can it be achieved?
  • 11. The challenges of financial education and MBA degrees.
  • 12. Global market changes and how the EU should adapt to them.
  • 13. E-commerce, the future of modern business.
  • 14. Business and credit, the correlation and importance of the borrowing power.
  • 15. Cryptocurrencies, diversified payment methods, and their future.
  • 16. Centralization of the economy, good or bad decisions in modern times.
  • 17. Best strategies to overcome a financial crisis.


  • 1. American vs. voting systems
  • 2. Globalization politics
  • 3. BREXIT hidden role
  • 4. Welfare structure and social inequality
  • 5. Can democracy be equal for all social groups?
  • 6. Religion's impact on political decisions
  • 7. Charisma and financial control of political parties
  • 8. What does it take to become a ruling class?
  • 9. Foreign politics of the Afghanistan campaign.
  • 10. Media and clichés role in contemporary politics
  • 11. New abortion policies in the US and their implications for other countries
  • 12. Changes in political treatment of LGBT parents
  • 13. Modern stances that politicians have on healthcare availability
  • 14. Military policies of the last years: what changed?
  • 15. Euthanasia: possible developments
  • 16. Transgender-related political decisions
  • 17. What policies should be implemented during the war?
  • 18. Impact of social protests on policy-making
  • 19. Has the situation with Covid-19 been brought into the field of politics?
  • 20. The personality of Boris Johnson.
  • 21. The controversy in Afghanistan's cooperation with the United States.


  • 1. The ethical side of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century
  • 2. The ethnocentric aspect of the Western relationship model
  • 3. The roots of feminism in modern society
  • 4. Should religion and politics be separated into the society?
  • 5. The role of women in WWII
  • 6. Foreign cooperation of the Foreign Ministry: Margaret Thatcher's model
  • 7. Is the propaganda taken from the American TV model?
  • 8. How important is the role of American TV channels for the Brits?
  • 9. The historical aspect of Oxford for the students.


Digital marketing dissertation topics

  • 1. The safety measures of digital transactions
  • 2. The analysis of customer relations online
  • 3. Studying the role of digital marketing campaigns
  • 4. Is there digital marketing the way?
  • 5. Is personalization an advantage or an additional challenge?
  • 6. The ways to add an element of humanity to online marketing
  • 7. The ways to expand digital marketing internationally
  • 8. Would the politics by Meta regarding Russians be acceptable a decade ago?
  • 9. The role of animation in SMM sales and methodologies.

Social media dissertation topics

  • 1. How can social media accounts be promoted?
  • 2. The copyright issues when reposting marketing content.
  • 3. Post-Brexit changes to online media business ways.
  • 4. The use of SEO practices when promoting business online.
  • 5. The main challenges of cooperation on social media.
  • 6. The legal side of starting your business on Facebook.
  • 7. The role of influencers
  • 8. International marketing dissertation topics
  • 9. The Western VS Asian marketing methods
  • 10. Localization of the marketing content
  • 11. Political aspects of international marketing
  • 12. The methods of learning about your target audience
  • 13. An ethical side of international marketing in Asian countries

Music / Culture

  • 1. Invasion influence on world music
  • 2. Distorted image of women in modern pop culture
  • 3. Modern classical composers vs mass culture
  • 4. Electronic devices revolution in modern music
  • 5. Music piracy vs. ethics code
  • 6. Fashion icon's influence on relation to body image issues
  • 7. Immigrants in musical evolution in the
  • 8. Electronic books vs old-time libraries
  • 9. Classic image of cultural personality in society
  • 10. Analysis of lyrical themes in mass media culture
  • 11. The role of rap music culture
  • 12. The most common challenges of entertainers during Covid-19 time
  • 13. Should music involve politics and be free of punishment?
  • 14. The challenges of music shops and record stores in the digital age.
  • 15. Accessibility of online museums and schools.

English / Literature

  • 1. Nationalism reflected in the literature XX century
  • 2. Shakespeare's works analysis through the modern perception lens
  • 3. Setting vs. nature in Shakespeare's King Lear
  • 4. Immigrants in the evolution of English
  • 5. Evil in Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
  • 6. Changes in children's literature from 1950s to modern times
  • 7. Popular blog services analysis for literary and grammar elements
  • 8. Contrast of nature as described by Scandinavian and authors
  • 9. Reflection of discriminatory practices in works by Charles Dickens
  • 10. Is there such a concept as a “purely culture” in modern literature?
  • 11. How does literature influence our modern society?
  • 12. Greek philosophers, do their messages still reflect our world?
  • 13. Literature and racism: does it exist, and if yes, how does it affect the readers?
  • 14. Does literature have enough presence in our world?
  • 15. Thoughts on the republic of Plato, what is it, modern interpretation.


  • 1. Banking sector for economic growth
  • 2. culture conflict with management styles
  • 3. Why is innovation not always the best method?
  • 4. Environmental issues of the factories and an ethical code
  • 5. negotiation styles in the international business arena
  • 6. Stocks protection and bonds in the market
  • 7. Online marketing peculiarities
  • 8. Comparative analysis of the IT sector to India's Innovators
  • 9. Management styles and risks in the banking system
  • 10. Entrepreneurship: Things to know
  • 11. Emerging management strategies
  • 12. Techniques for achieving job satisfaction
  • 13. Business management trends
  • 14. Factors considered during investments
  • 15. Leaders under conditions of globalization
  • 16. New marketing strategies
  • 17. Technology, automation, and management challenges
  • 18. The human factor and cultural differences when implementing outsourcing
  • 19. How to compose a model of a target market
  • 20. Marketing strategies of physical versus digital markets
  • 21. How to adjust to consumer behavior changes
  • 22. Resolution of customer conflicts online
  • 23. The matter of trust in business cooperation
  • 24. Who wins from the delays in the logistics between the EU and the UK?
  • 25. Doing business in Northern Ireland: pros and cons


  • 1. How are female journalists presented in the media?
  • 2. Yellow press and tabloids challenges
  • 3. Brexit in media
  • 4. Typical stereotypes vs clichés in press
  • 5. The Guardian newspaper history, analysis, and style evolution
  • 6. How does the press influence mass culture among youth?
  • 7. Are social networks replacing newspapers?
  • 8. Can media exist without advertising?
  • 9. What is the role of television?
  • 10. How can society filter "fake news"?
  • 11. The coverage of COVID-19 in the media
  • 12. The role of the Royal Family for the Brits in 2023-2024
  • 13. Are journalists free to have an opinion?
  • 14. YouTube in Great Britain: what are the limitations?

Healthcare and Nursing

  • 1. How transparent is NHS?
  • 2. Social Media effect on adolescents
  • 3. Plant medicines vs non-traditional practices
  • 4. Medication accessibility for all social groups
  • 5. Work-related stress among Police officers
  • 6. Reproductive Health among immigrant
  • 7. IT technologies in primary healthcare
  • 8. Heart Failure analysis and statistics
  • 9. NHS future estimation
  • 10. Healthcare training vs simulation in emergencies
  • 11. Chemical solutions versus mental therapy for mental health patients
  • 12. The privacy aspects of mental issues among college students
  • 13. Rehabilitation of family members where mental health issues take place
  • 14. PTSD among the army veterans and the available resources
  • 15. Schizophrenia in the popular media and the practical reality
  • 16. The link of ADHD to Autism and developmental behavior
  • 17. The stress factor and the violence of post-traumatic experiences
  • 18. Emergency nursing dissertation topics
  • 19. Covid-19 emergency measures
  • 20. Infectious disease reporting protocols
  • 21. Emergency cases in rural areas
  • 22. ER room innovations and the digital aspects of work
  • 23. Workplace violence and privacy
  • 24. Child abuse victims interrogation
  • 25. Disease identification methods
  • 26. Paediatric (Pediatrics) nursing dissertation topics
  • 27. Preparation of a child for a doctor’s appointment
  • 28. Vaccination
  • 29. Congenital heart disease among infants
  • 30. Parental violence reporting and childcare services
  • 31. Learning to analyze a child’s behavior during the doctor’s visit
  • 32. ADHD and psychological development
  • 33. Body image and social media among teenagers
  • 34. How honest have the Covid-19 treatment practices been?
  • 35. The social movements to distribute face masks in 2024
  • 36. Should beauty procedures be allowed for teens?
  • 37. Healthcare and the refugee specialists: what are the cultural challenges?

Business Management and Administration

  • 1. Global offshoring and the
  • 2. Recession's role in society
  • 3. Strategists versus Managers in Corporate Policies
  • 4. Vodafone UK: gender policies and cases of harassment
  • 5. Typical hiring process and organizational screening in the
  • 6. E-governance system vs security risks
  • 7. Internet safety in the Business and Corporate websites in the
  • 8. Links of domestic economic growth to changes in foreign policies
  • 9. Information monitoring by media outlets
  • 10. Are management styles flexible or archaic?
  • 11. The role of mediation in international business conflicts
  • 12. Transnational corporations’ case study as the legal functioning example
  • 13. The reasons why outsourcing is not always positive
  • 14. The way how Brexit has affected international businesses
  • 15. The export limitations of the Asian markets.
  • 16. International customer service requirements and case studies
  • 17. Expanding small-to-medium business internationally
  • 18. The impact of regional differences in terms of business methods in Northern Ireland
  • 19. The gaps in modern Corporate Social Responsibility methods
  • 20. The leadership style and its effect on business operations
  • 21. Why is outsourcing necessary for business?
  • 22. Cross-border business negotiations and limitations
  • 23. Covid-19 effect on remote work and video conferencing
  • 24. The rehabilitation of a business that has gone bankrupt
  • 25. The closure of businesses: electric power issues in 2024
  • 26. How can post-Covid conferences be brought back to normal via logistical solutions?
  • 27. Healthcare and safety methods in the organization of music parties.
  • 28. Innovative software and hardware technologies in business.
  • 29. Social networking for finding the perfect job.
  • 30. Modern business ideas created by women.
  • 31. Upgrading your offline business to an online one.
  • 32. Freelancers and their importance in the fields of work.
  • 33. Is outsourcing essential for modern business development?
  • 34. The stock market, how the trends affect the world economy.
  • 35. Most profitable business ideas in Europe.

Project management dissertation topics

  • 1. How do you compose a project in the Covid-19 environment?
  • 2. Is the Pandemic a reason for risk management aspects?
  • 3. The cultural aspects of project management
  • 4. The role of the customer in the management of the social project
  • 5. Outsourcing and delay management methods
  • 6. AI tools in large enterprise projects
  • 7. The outside influences during the various stage management work

Event management dissertation topics

  • 1. The choice of catering services and calculation
  • 2. The code of conduct when planning a business event
  • 3. The privacy VS enthusiastic approach when planning
  • 4. Mediation as the conflict resolution method during the event of conflicts
  • 5. The role of advertisement in event planning
  • 6. The choice of location in terms of environment and psychological impact
  • 7. Use of scientific tools for calculation and planning
  • 8. How to hold a children's party during social distancing times?

Construction management dissertation topics

  • 1. The role of IT management in the construction work
  • 2. Legal aspects in the choice of location and natural heritage
  • 3. Building up prognosis and the simulation model for construction work
  • 4. The construction scheduling issues and resolution methods
  • 5. Advertisement and investors in national construction projects
  • 6. Real estate market analysis
  • 7. Healthcare aspects and civil engineering bias

Strategic management dissertation topics

  • 1. Corporate strategy planning and private investments
  • 2. The bias in strategic management planning
  • 3. Forecasting in digital commerce planning
  • 4. The Performance levels between the and American business standards
  • 5. Preparation for the financial crisis: Covid-19 case study
  • 6. Analysis of foreign strategies when expanding internationally
  • 7. Ethics VS Profits: presenting plans to the public
  • 8. The most popular strategies to manage a small business in 2024
  • 9. The role of AI-based tools to calculate the risks in business management

Dissertation Struggles: From Challenges to Success

Even when you have a good dissertation topic chosen, you may still feel stuck and helpless, not knowing how to proceed with your work. Of course, it is a long journey that takes time as well as research. Just when you require any kind of assistance, it may become hard to shape your thoughts when you do not know how to continue or ask for help. At EduBirdie, we have assisted countless students on different subjects. No matter how big or small challenge is - our team of Masters and PhD graduates have been in your shoes and know how to assist you the best way.

Starting from basic undergraduate assistance to complex dissertation help online, you can select a writer by looking through credentials and a number of works completed. Entirely transparent, there is no need to waste precious time as you can contact writer directly or talk to a 24/7 customer support team. It is especially important with dissertation, as you can track and review writer’s work at any stage, making corrections and introducing new ideas.

With any kind of assistance that you receive from us, you can be assured that final work is proofread and 100% plagiarism-free. As paper has to be your own research and have unique ideas, writers work extra hard to provide innovative solutions. Even if you only have to choose a right topic you can contact writer who will guide you through concerns and will answer each question in a most professional way.

Choosing your dissertation topic, think of your future career and employment, ideas and future intentions. A good research is already a kind of advertising that shows your personality, skills, makes you a unique candidate in your career field. Take your time, choose a good dissertation topic, and remember that the sky is the limit!

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