How To Write A Dissertation Conclusion: All Answers And Examples

Your research must be already finished, and the last thing to do is to write a conclusion. Your hard work should have a brilliant and perfectly clean ending, and in this article, we will help you to sum up everything you’ve written to present this part of your dissertation properly. We will answer the most popular questions about how to write a dissertation conclusion, or you decide to ask our experts to write my dissertation. Check out our recommendations and knowledge, and use them to get the best result.

What is the difference between a discussion and a conclusion?

Discussion and conclusion have a lot in common: both of them usually contain discussing a topic and summing it up. However, in a dissertation, it is required to wrap up everything that has been said in the body of the work. Some students repeat some essential details they’ve discussed, but they are not allowed to write a long essay with new thoughts and facts at the end of the dissertation. A conclusion should be clean and show the author’s skill to explain, wrap up the information, and contain short results of the research. A discussion, in its turn, is not limited by these requirements.

Conclusion structure: Details that should be considered

Now we will share our recommendations on how to create a proper dissertation conclusion structure. This algorithm applies to a lot of assignment types, although here we will focus more on a dissertation end.

Determine the length of the conclusion

This is the first thing you should keep in mind. If you have a particular word count, you will structure your conclusion better. Additionally, you will not waste time and effort trying to reduce the number of words. It is better to determine the needed figure beforehand. Usually, the conclusion of a dissertation takes approximately 5-7% of the word count of your paper, and if you want to write more or less, you should discuss it with a representative of the dissertation council. Please note that a humanities dissertation conclusion may demand more space, while an empirical scientific work may be quite laconic and short.

Face the main question of your paper

Each conclusion should answer the main question the overall dissertation discusses. It means you need to write the results of your long research in such a clean and short way that would show the council your experience and expert view on the issue. You shouldn’t repeat each assumption you’ve made in your dissertation. Instead, you should summarise them all into several paragraphs that your readers would remember. You can begin with a short mentioning of the issue considered, describe the way you conducted the research and the main sources you’ve used to prove your points of view, and then start talking about the assumptions you’ve made when working on your paper. If you need the real dissertation conclusion examples, you can find thousands of them on the web: you should read at least a dozen options that are suitable for your particular paper and get the needed inspiration and wording.

Provide information on what problems you have met during the research

In conclusion, you can give your personal opinion, yet it still should be supported by facts. You can:

  • Describe if your expectations coincide with the results you’ve got;
  • Shortly mention the difficulties you’ve met during working on the issue;
  • Focus on the positive things you’ve revealed and on your achievements. You shouldn’t pay a lot of attention to the problematic issues: your conclusion will likely be remembered by the readers, so you should leave a positive impression.
  • Illustrate the approaches you’ve used to get the results of your work.
  • Show if new questions arose during your research and describe how you managed to answer them (or not.)

Make recommendations

It is important to provide recommendations for the future researchers if you have any. Conclusions of dissertations often contain hints on the potential continuation of the issue discussed, especially if new questions arose during your writing and analysing the topic. Moreover, it will additionally prove that you are an expert who has not only finished the current research but who is completely ready to continue it and contribute to the successful development of the sphere you’ve studied. Even if you are not going to continue your work on the issue, you can leave recommendations or mention the points the other researchers can pay attention to in your dissertation conclusion.


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Emphasize your contributions

To assure the reader that you are an expert in the field discussed and that you have the knowledge needed not only to get the appreciation from the dissertation council but also to recommend any actions to the community, you should do the following:

  • Repeat your problem statement and explain how you’ve dealt with explaining it and how your research contributes to solving major issues in the sphere you’ve chosen for the study.
  • Refer back to the literature you’ve used and show that you have addressed a gap in knowledge.
  • Provide proof (if any) that your dissertation has revealed challenges in existing theories or assumptions.

Be brief and try to avoid repetitions. Again, just sum up everything you’ve already done and said.

Conclusion + checklist

We can assume that you don’t need dissertation help if you’ve read this article and come here for the sole purpose to find out how to finish your study. Here we will also finish and provide you with a shortlist that you can use to check if you have done everything needed for your paper to look perfect:

  1. You answered the main question of your research in detail but in a clean way;
  2. You wrapped up all the arguments for your opinion and assumptions;
  3. You covered all your aims, purposes, and results you have got during studying the issue;
  4. You mentioned all the things that prevented you from conducting the research and how you managed to solve the problem.
  5. You provided the recommendations for the community and/or other researchers.
  6. You emphasised your contributions and explained the value of your work.
  7. You didn’t provide any additional information that wasn’t mentioned in the body of the dissertation.

Few More Helpful Tips to Address When Writing The Perfect Conclusion

Now you know what a dissertation conclusion is and how to write it. You have seen the steps you should follow, but sometimes more is needed. That is why we have prepared and few tips that will help you in the process of writing:

  1. First and foremost, keep it short. You do not want to write a lengthy conclusion as it will lose the reader's interest. Usually, this part makes up about five to ten percent of the total length count, and sometimes even less. For example, a text of 1500 words should have a conclusion of no longer than 150 words.
  2. When you are writing a conclusion, you have to keep it brief. Please don't go into detail explaining your thesis. It is not the part where you should do it. Instead, the conclusion should be a statement covering the explanations you did in the dissertation instead of repeating them all over again.
  3. Pay attention to the language you use. It should be clean and simple yet professional regarding the field you are addressing. Please do not make it too casual, as it will not be read by just anyone. However, it would help if you made it simple enough.
  4. While writing the conclusion, do not add extra claims you have not founded in your dissertation. It is the worst mistake you can make. Claiming unproven statements can ruin your whole assignment.
  5. A good practice is to reflect on your research and findings. In conclusion, aside from giving a short overview, you can reflect on whether your study had positive or negative results. Many people practice this, and even state surprising findings, personal opinions about the results, or any new insights gained during writing.

The final tip is always to check things you do not know. For example, if you have doubts about your conclusion, you should check the example we offer right below and use it as a guide.

Example of a Good Dissertation Conclusion Plus Explanation

Here is a brief example of a conclusion our dissertation writing service wrote specially for you. It will help you to get an idea of what it should look like. Remember, this is a sample written only to assist you. Always take such with a pinch of salt and tailor your conclusion to your dissertation.

"My research has addressed the aftereffects of the recent Covid pandemic. It considered statistics from various famous worldwide institutes that researched based on the local population and the aftermath regarding them after the virus. The majority of them, about 70%, had felt the effects in their daily routine, changed by the virus. The other 30% had their lives unchanged. The two groups have different styles of life, from jobs to daily routines and connections to people who had the virus. Thus, their lives were affected differently.

Almost all people living in the researched areas have been confirmed to have troubles with the standard way of living they had before Covid. That is mainly because of the measures taken, the ruin of their typical style of living, and related to the infected people. The research showed that most people experience the most significant change in their work life. Even after the peak of the virus has passed. And the restrictions have been lifted, and they still feel the aftereffects, hindering their everyday life.

Though the effects of the pandemic have proved harmful, the life of many started to change for the better. That is due to the impending positive changes that have happened all over the globe. With the reduction of the virus, the fewer infected people, and the diminished restrictions, the overall normal pace of life has been returning everywhere at fast temps."

As you can see, this is a fictional conclusion related to the Covid pandemic and its effect on people's lives. The text states what we wrote about, how we found the information, our results, and the final words, briefly answering the whole paper, basically like an overview of the process of work we did. We should not go into details, as the respective parts of the dissertation do that.

Author Note: Remember to check out the tips we provided and always check your text twice. Usually, people always miss something on the first reading checkup.

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