How to Express Your Opinion in Essay: Charm the Readers with Your Words

Developing Word-Building Skills

The trick here is the use of fast thinking, strategic planning of each sentence, and the analysis that you use to come up with some interesting words. Generating certain words, most of us do so automatically, yet try asking yourself a question about what word can I make to stand out. It will instantly catch your reader's attention due to being unique and out of the ordinary. As an example, you can focus on the pattern of “introduction-content-evidence-conclusion”, when you order a paper from our research paper writing service. The typical sentence would be like:

“The pollution-made islands that we see in the ocean have attracted the attention of the society thanks to the blog posters who have shared the information online, proving that social media can serve a positive role.”

As you can see, the word building starts with the primary topic of our sentence, which is the presence of pollution-made islands. As the next step, we add the location of where it takes place, then speak of the society (target audience). Then we turn to the evidence, which is the presence of blog posters. The conclusion is the positive role of social media in terms of bringing up environmental issues. Then, you can split this sentence in two to make it more readable.

The Smart & Useful Words to Boost Your Essay

The talk here does not go about allegories or metaphors but the essay words that help to make things smart and change the style of essay writing in terms of logic and style. These academic writing phrases are designed to catch your reader’s attention and keep it till the end. Speaking of a simpler explanation of what the smart words stand for, approach them as a way to make informal or colloquial writing more professional. It must add an academic tone to your sentences.

“To put it another way” is an example of such a fancy phrase because it helps to explain that a concept is presented differently. The other examples include expressions like, "It could be argued that the majority of students..." or something like, "This suggests that people who did not pass the ACT college test..." These phrases help to make a conclusion and set the scene for the evidence.

Contrary to the popular belief, you can also use smart expressions in your reflection journal where the tone is usually kept within a more personal medium. The examples include phrases like, “This contradicts the popular belief that...” or, “Judging by the clinical evidence provided in different parts of the world, this assumption cannot be considered as something right.” The trick here is to use expressions that will make your essay and opinion sound professional without getting too wordy. In other words, it should not be a filler for something you want to say but serve a clear purpose of pointing things out when and where it is necessary.

The fancy words part is more complex and the crucial element of getting things done is adding more words and emotion to your essay. You can use, “it makes it evident that” instead of, “it says” or using something like, “outstandingly bad” when talking of something negative. The other famous example is the verb “engenders”, which means the same thing as “causes”. You can say that “smoking engenders lung diseases” instead of using the usual verb. It will help to impress your college professor and show that you have done some research and use an advanced vocabulary that is worth an academic writing standard. Just like saying that something is important, you can replace it by saying “of great value”, “crucial”, or “salient”. It will help to get rid of repetitions and add some fanciness to your writing. It will also improve your speech and help you during the presentations as well when you state an opinion.

What Are The Linking Words?

If you’re still thinking which words to use in an essay to link your sentences, the chances are high that you have used them in your daily speech and writing even without noticing the fact. The transition words or phrases help to connect the paragraphs in academic writing and provide a much better relationship by acting as the signal points. Think of them as the bridges that help the readers or listeners understand what comes next. The examples in speech include connecting words like "Next", "At last" or "First of all". The writing forms will use the famous "In conclusion" as we come up to the last part of our essay writing.

There are also other phrases that are more lengthy, yet they still serve the same role. If you must write about a controversial theory that does not find much support elsewhere, you can state that “While it does not represent an opinion of the majority, it still has a right to be” as a way to improve your essay strength. Likewise (another linking word!), you can say that “Apparently, the educators ignored the fact and continued with the old practices” if you talk about a certain occasion where something has taken place, yet you cannot provide due evidence. If the facts are not listed, use “Apparently” or “Most likely” phrases as the linking elements.

The linking words are meant for guidance and for letting you jump between several concepts. If you have a complex numbering in your essay, using the words “Firstly” or “As a second step” will be of great help and will assist your readers in understanding the sequence or a structure that you want them to follow. Of course, it will also make your essay look professional and will greatly increase the general readability of all the things mentioned.

What Are The Transition Words?

These are meant to provide essay writing help and connect the concepts or explain that something must be understood in a specific way. For example, if there is a debate about the dangers of alcohol, an author can use transition words to explain the meaning and progress from one concept to another, like from the medical dangers to the mental effect. Let us review a simple example:

"In addition to the medical issues that always come up with the negative effects of alcohol, an average person also becomes a victim of the typical mental shocks that include aggression, lack of coordination, foul language use, and the other typical mental aspects."

The transition words in the phrase above are "In addition" and "the other typical". These parts serve the role of a bridge to help the reader understand that it is not only the medical part that must be kept in mind and that some behavioural elements are typical for the case. They are really smart words to use in essays, as they don’t just make your writing smooth. They make it easier for the reader to understand you.

The other popular examples include:

  • In order to - when we must provide an explanation for a process or an action that follows.
  • In other words - when we plan to offer a different (usually simpler) explanation.
  • Moreover / Likewise - to explain that there is more than one evidence that has been used or more facts at play.
  • Coupled with - a good transition phrase that helps to explain that something is possible only under a certain condition.
  • In comparison / by contrast - when you write the "compare and contrast" essay, this phrase is crucial for your success.
  • With this in mind - when you want to keep something considered as you read about the assumption of the fact presented in your essay.
  • To give an illustration - this phrase is akin to "for example", yet it offers a better grammar structure and lets readers expect a future visual description.

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