Geographical setting
The city of Rome is located on the west coast of modern-day Italy, surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean climate is very pleasant, with warm, dry summers and cool, mild winters. Ancient Rome was built on seven hills at the Tiber River's bank, the country's second-largest river. Romes’ geographical setting played a crucial part in the empire's expansion. The elevated location of the city ensured protection from flooding and potential invasions from neighboring empires.
Groups in society
Citizenship in Ancient Rome was gained at birth because both parents were Roman citizens. Laws about citizenship changed throughout history. Plebeians (common people) were considered lower class and were often farmers or bakers. Plebeians were only granted the right to vote in the 3rd century. Roman citizenship laid the foundations for modern-day democracies.
Women in ancient Rome were considered citizens but did not have the right to vote or own property. They were completely dependent on male relatives and considered to have weak judgment, so they were not included in political affairs or financial matters. The objectification of women in ancient Rome was expressed by separating women into those who were considered respectable and those who were not.
When children were born, they were granted bullas. Bullas were amulets worn for good luck. Wealthy families made theirs out of gold; poorer families would make them out of lead or more affordable materials. Childhood in ancient Rome had different stages. Children remained infants until the age of seven. From then, boys were put to work and taught to be farmers, craftsmen, or soldiers. Marriage was performed from an early age. Males were married from as early as 14 and females were often sold as young as 12.
Slaves made up a large percentage of the population in ancient Rome. Many slaves were captured during times of war, and as the Roman Empire expanded, slaves would be captured from new lands. Some slaves sold themselves into slavery to pay off debts, and criminals were sometimes sold into slavery. Not all slaves were farmers or miners, some slaves worked as teachers or accountants. Slaves were considered valuable and mainly were treated well, although some were beaten and worked to death.
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The ancient roman government was operated as a republic.
Gods and Goddesses
There were 12 significant gods within ancient Roman belief. They were:
- Jupiter - King of the gods and god of sky and thunder
- Juno - Queen of the gods and protector of Rome’s women
- Neptune - God of freshwater and the sea, earthquakes, hurricanes, and horses, he was often depicted with his trident.
- Minerva - goddess of wisdom, arts, trade and strategy.
- Mars - god of war, guardian of agriculture, the embodiment of virility and aggression, and founder of Rome.
- Venus - Mother of the Roman people and goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, desire, and prosperity.
- Apollo - god of music, healing, light and truth. Apollo is one of only a few Roman gods who kept the same name as his Greek counterpart.
- Diana - goddess of the hunt, the moon, and birth.
- Vulcan - God of fire, volcanoes, metalwork, and the forge; maker of weapons
- Vesta - goddess of hearth, home, and family.
- Mercury, the god of profit, trade, eloquence, communication, travel, trickery, and thieves, would guide dead souls to the underworld.
- Ceres- goddess of agriculture, grain, women, motherhood, and marriage.
Relationships with other societies
The relationship between ancient Rome and ancient China was built on trade. This was mainly due to the accessibility and easy transport from Ancient India to ancient Rome. Trade with India started around the beginning of the common era. Trade settlements established by the Romans remained long after the fall of the Roman empire; copper, tin, lead, coral, topaz, thin clothing, gold, and silver coins were all very common trades within Indo-Roman trade relationships.
Significance of Julius Ceasar
Julius Caesar was an important figure not only in Roman history but also in the history of the world. He was a very influential part of the fall of the Roman Republic and the birth of the Roman Empire. Throughout his life, Ceasar served as a military leader, statesman, and dictator and became very popular with the people of Rome. Ceasar conquered or attacked modern-day France, Belgium, Switzerland, England, Egypt, and parts of Germany. He was credited with expanding the power of Rome and creating provinces that, In some cases, outline nations that still exist today. The assassination of Caesar led to a long series of civil wars, which eventually ended in the death of the Roman Republic and the birth of the Roman Empire.