Analysis Of No Homework Policy

What is the No Homework Policy? No Homework Policy is a law that bars the teacher from giving an assignment to his/her student. Its main goal is to protect the child from becoming stressed in school and have plenty of time with their family. But, is it really why we need this kind of policy? Is it the solution to that problem that have been faced by the students both inside and outside of home and school? And, Why did the Deped proclaim this kind of policy?

Children who attended school had their responsibility to do as students who wanted to learn new things. And, as a teacher, their job is to guide them in the right things to do. They teach us how to be more responsible students. The first step they take to teach us how to be accountable is to give us an assignment to do at home. We spend time doing our homework so that we have to show off in the next meeting. Spending time in our hmework made us to be more attached in the topic that we been discuss during the discussion of the teacher. It also helps us to be actively thinking and focused in every lesson. When our teacher discussed the assignment that she/he gave to us, we easily picked up the idea of the lesson. Homework had negative effects and positive effects on both students and teachers.

The teachers give homework to make sure that their students barely lesson in discussion and also to know if they really get the lesson that she/he discussing. To the students, homework and some activities are one of the best enemies that they face in their school life. But those enemies help them to achieve their dreams and also to build their self. Other says that having a homework at school that needs to be done at home is a sore of their nights. Instead of spending their night with their family or friends, they need to choose to spend their time doing their homework. Homework makes us more focused on our studies, which will lead us to become antisocial or not socially active. But with this, we become more reliable to ourselves, and we slowly develop our instincts and knew how to face the problem. Even though it had a negative effect, it also had a positive effect on us. It teaches us to improve our academic skills.

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As a student who already suffers from the evil homework that makes me suffer in my day of being vacant in school. Every time that our teacher gave us some homework, I struggled with how I was going to do it without any hesitation. But, because I want to learn, I need to solve the problem that I’ve faced with the homework. It is an achievement for me if I finish my homework without the help of my classmates, even if they help me to do my assignment. The “ No Homework Policy “ is the other way to solve being stressful in school, but even though it has a positive effect, it also has a negative impact that may lead the students to be more spoiled. It makes the student become more hardheaded in doing thier homework. Because of the law, the teacher forbade them to give an assignment they needed to do at home. Others said that the policy has been proclaimed due to the parents who wanted to spend time with their children and because of the homework, their child couldn’t join them. But they didnt know that doing the homework of thier child will made a bond for the family, if they help thier child to do the homework they build a family bonding without any problem and it also help thier child to finish it easily.

In my opinion, the “ No Homework Policy” should not be proclaimed by our nation's lawmakers. It is not the solution that the parents need to solve the problem of making a bond with their child; sometimes, it’s within them. If they really care about their child, they should spend time with them and help them with schoolwork. In that way, they make a bond with their child and a treasured memory.

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