Writer Rankings

When you order a paper at EduBirdie, we make sure you get exactly what you need. We understand that every writing assignment is unique and requires special skills and expertise from the writer. For this reason we allow you to choose the writer that satisfies your vision and paper requirements the best. In order to make the selection process easier for you, we’ve developed a system where every writer is rated upon his or her completed projects.

Rating & Awards at Essays.EduBirdie.com

The EduBirdie rating system is represented in stars. After the order is completed, customers have an opportunity to evaluate their experience working with the writer. If the client is fully satisfied with the project he or she awards the writing expert 5 stars, in case of complete disappointment – the writer gets 1 star. Thus, the writers whose score is in the high rating are most likely to be a good match for your assignment. You can also see what projects the writer worked on and the rating he or she got for them. This will allow you to target your perfect writer even better, and make an actual informed decision.

To make the system even more objective and fair, the writers are also entitled to grade their experience of cooperating with the client. This allows the two to be precise and objective in their expectations and feedback and gives you a diversified evaluation of writer’s skills and professionalism.

Our writers

Browse through our writer’s database and select the one that you like most!

Tutor Chad

Tutor Chad

386 completed works


142 completed works


74 completed works
Tutor Brian

Tutor Brian

138 completed works
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